Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Immigration, Migration, Refuge

Has your family or have members of your family ever migrated, immigrated, or sought refuge?


  1. My family moved from the island of Mindanao in the Philippines in the mid-1970s, just before I was born. My family became naturalized citizens of the US, so that would make me an immigrant. But my father probably would have moved back to the Philippines if he lived a little longer, so that would make him a migrant.

  2. I immigrated with the rest of my family from Germany to the Philippines in 1998, and then to the US shortly after. Due to restrictive measures by the German government, I wasn't able to attain dual citizenship, and wasn't able to gain automatic citizenship, instead having to take the naturalization test.

  3. HI! I am Manisha. I immigrated here after marriage from India. Recently I became US citizen, so that make me an immigrant. But my son born here, so he is American.

  4. I'm Samuel Young and my parents immigrated here back in the late 70's to early 80's from Taiwan. I can't remember the exact date. Both my parents came out to America at different times but both sought an opportunity to study here and practice medicine. My parents met in New York and eventually migrated from the Bronx, Brooklyn, New Jersey, and then to California going from place to place in the bay. They lived in Reno for a while before settling down in Cupertino, where they/we have lived for about twenty years.

  5. My mother, uncles and aunts and my grandma all immigrated here in the 70's after staying in a refugee camp in Malaysia for a few years. They fled their home country of Vietnam because of the dangers of the Vietnam War. My Grandpa who was a district chief and colonel of the south Vietnamese army at the time later joined our family in America a year after they came here. My entire family first lived in Sunnyvale and eventually moved and settled down in San Jose.

  6. My grandfather moved from China to Indonesia because of post-war conditions and financial difficulties. At that time, China was still practicing communism, which made China a difficult place to make ends meet. Thus, my grandfather moved from China to Indonesia and met my grandmother there. My family moved from a little island in Indonesia called Maluku to a city in Indonesia called Bali during the religious riot in 1998. That was when I was only 3 years old. After that, my family moved again to another city in Indonesia called Surabaya.

  7. My family moved from the island of Ilocosur in the Philippines during the late 1970s as well as you parents (professor Mendoza). My family made the decision to come to the U.S because my grandparents got recruited to work in the sugar plantations in Hawaii. My family became U.S citizens in the 90s and now is living happily in Hawaii.

  8. I know that most of my family sought refuge here in the U.S. away from Vietnam during the Vietnam War, but I am especially familiar with my father's story. He told me that anyone that was caught in Vietnam during the war would most likely be executed, which is why he fled as a preteen and traveled through the sea on a small boat. He arrived in the Philippines temporarily, but eventually reached the U.S. and has made a living in California. With no prior education nor work-experience, he struggled, but he pulled through such hardships and has raised a family of 6 and is now a manager for an engineering company.

  9. My mother & father mother immigrated from Vietnam 30 years ago. My dad came to America on a boat, while my mother flew here. I was born in Santa Clara.

  10. Hello. This is Junghwan Shin. My mother's one older sister family flied and immigrated from Korea to America long time ago like 40 years ago. That is because the older sister's husband's family had lived in America and Washington DC, so they have lived for a very long time.

  11. Hi. i don't know exactly about that.. However, i know that my grandfather moved from China to Indonesia to seek for betterment. It's like he moved alone and was separated with all of his brothers to move to Indonesia. i think that is categorized as immigration. :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My Mom, Dad, and two brothers immigrated from the Philippines in 1985 to Florida. They are now U.S. citizens. I myself was born in Tampa Florida, which makes me a U.S. citizen also.

  14. The most recent generations in my ancestry are from America. Before that, my ancestors were from Ireland. I am not sure exactly when they immigrated to America. As far as recent migration, my grandparents moved to California from Detroit, Michigan.

  15. None of my family members has ever migrated, immigrated, or sought refuge. My parents are living in China, where they were born. However, I moved to the U.S five years ago, and I have just became an American citizen recently, so I am an immigrant.

  16. My great grandparents on my dads side immigrated to the United States from Sweden. My grandparents on my mothers side immigrated here from Japan when they were both very young. My great grandma originally came to live in the States first because she was a mail order bride but her and my great grandfather decided to migrate back to Japan.

  17. Hi! My name's Tori, and my great grandparents on from my mothers side immigrated from Ireland to America in search for work. My great grandparents from my fathers side sought refuge in America when the lifestyle in Germany became difficult. Now my entire family on both sides reside in America.

  18. It was my father's side that first came to America during the late 80's. My grandmother wanted to seek a better life for her family so she planned to take herself and her 7 children with her to the states. At the time, my father had already been married to my mother and together, had a child, my brother. Shortly after, my dad came to the states with his family leaving my mom and brother behind. Before having them migrate here, my dad wanted to be sure he could fend for not only himself, but his family. After making a suitable income, my mom and brother came to be in California. - Genelle Garcia

  19. The immediate members of my father's side immigrated to California back when my father was in high school. My grandparents and my father's oldest siblings hoped to give the younger members a better education and opportunity to succeed. My mother, on the other hand, immigrated to the US after marrying my father in Korea in order to be with him. She is the only one in her family (not counting distant uncles) who lives in the US.

  20. My mother and father moved here from Mexico around the mid-1970s, just before they started our family. My family became naturalized citizens of the US. I have a family of five including myself.

  21. Non of my family has migrated, immigrated, or sought refuge in the U.S. But i do have alot of friends who immigrate to the U.S and some old people who sought refuge in the U.S for freedom of religion or the freedom of human right that is suppressed in China.

  22. My grandparents immigrated to the United States so that they could start a new life here for the future generations of my family. -Jeff Wang

  23. my grandparents on my dads side migrated here when he was 1 from the philippines so that they could better there lives. and my moms side, my grandparents and great grandparents came to the us to find better jobs and also becuase some of the family was already out here

  24. My family has never migrated in America.I came here last May by myself to study abroad.

  25. My parents and I immigrated from Korea when I was six years old because of my fathers work.

  26. My father first came to America from China to go to a university in the states. My mother moved from Taiwan to Brazil when she was a young child, and then later came to America.

  27. My parents came to America from Vietnam in 1991. This was well after the Vietnam War, when many Vietnamese people tried escaping Vietnam, and find a new life in the United States. Most of my family all came from Vietnam, moving the United States for better opportunities.

  28. My father and his parents immigrated to U.S when my father was 19. My father joined the military when he was 21.

  29. My dad was born in Long Beach California but his mother is from the Philippines. My mom and her family are also from the Philippines. I don't know when my grandmother moved to the States but I know that my mom and her family moved here in the 80s so that the children can go to college in American Universities. My parents met at the University of New Orleans.

  30. My parents immigrated from Vietnam with in the early 80s. My dad's family lived in Philadelphia for a number of years before moving to California. My mom attended high school in Hawaii before moving to California.

  31. My mother immigrated from the Philippines back in the early 80's. My father was from Southern California but my fathers family immigrated from Mexico and then moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Then my Grandmother met my Grandfather where they decided to move to Southern California. My father graduated college and moved to the Bay Area where he then met my mother at work.

  32. I immigrated myself from Vietnam to America with my parents when I was nine. My grandparents from my mother's side were already here and they invited us here. I'm a legal citizen of the United States now.

  33. My family immigrated from Hong Kong when I was eight years old. My mom's older sister (my aunt)were already here and they signed us up to be immigrated years before hand. Me and my family are now citizens of the United States.

  34. Hey I'm John. I myself am not an immigrant but my grandmother on my father's side hails from Japan and my mother's grandmother hails from German descent. I'm not to certain whether or not my grandmother on my mothers side actually immigrated to the US from Germany but I do know that my grandmother on my father's side immigrated to the US from Japan seeking a chance to be something other than she currently was and wealth of some sort.

  35. My parents came to America in the early 1970's from the Phillipines and started living in Daily city. Years later they already had my three older sisters and moved to San Jose where they then had me. Only a few of my uncles and my aunts came to the United States, whereas the rest of my relatives either moved to Europe, Australia, or other neighboring Asian countries.

    - Jeofrey Reyes
